CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMSEQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURESLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - CONTINUEDEQUIPMENT DATAEQUIPMENT DATA - CONTINUEDEQUIPMENT DATA - CONTINUEDTHEORY OF OPERATIONCHAPTER 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONSDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLSOPERATOR CONTROLS - CONTINUEDOPERATOR CONTROLS - MODEL BOPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSOPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSSTOWAGE AND DATA PLATESCHAPTER 3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES - CONTINUEDGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDCLEANING BALLISTIC GLASSCHAPTER 4. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - CONTINUEDCLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - CONTINUEDPAINTING INSTRUCTIONSUSE OF THREAD ADHESIVEDOOR HANDLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTDOOR HANDLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR HANDLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - MODEL BDOOR HANDLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH AND LOCK PIN REPLACEMENTDOOR LATCH AND LOCK PIN REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH AND COMBAT LOCK REPLACEMENT - MODEL BDOOR LATCH AND COMBAT LOCK REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - MODEL BDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - MODEL BDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENTDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENT - MODEL BDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENTWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDUPPER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENTUPPER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDUPPER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDUPPER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDUPPER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLOWER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENTLOWER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLOWER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLOWER BRUSH GUARD REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLOUVERED GRILLE REPLACEMENTLOUVERED GRILLE REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLOUVERED GRILLE REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDHEADLIGHT AND COMPOSITE LIGHT REPLACEMENTHEADLIGHT AND COMPOSITE LIGHT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDHEADLIGHT AND COMPOSITE LIGHT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDHEADLIGHT AND COMPOSITE LIGHT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDHEADLIGHT AND COMPOSITE LIGHT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDBLACKOUT DRIVE LIGHT REPLACEMENTBLACKOUT DRIVE LIGHT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDESCAPE HATCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEESCAPE HATCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - CONTINUEDESCAPE HATCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - CONTINUEDESCAPE HATCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENTROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR CAB (RIGHT) ARMOR REPLACEMENTREAR CAB (RIGHT) ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR CAB (RIGHT) ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR CAB (RIGHT) ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR CAB (LEFT) ARMOR REPLACEMENTREAR CAB (LEFT) ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR CAB (LEFT) ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR CAB (LEFT) ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENTRIGHT SIDE BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENTLEFT SIDE BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDCENTER BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENTCENTER BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDCENTER BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDCENTER BLAST DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENTREAR SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT SIDE ARMOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFRONT SIDE ARMOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT SIDE ARMOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT SIDE ARMOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT SIDE ARMOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL BSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDSIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - MODEL B - CONTINUEDCHAPTER 5. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - CONTINUEDEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, TABLE 1 - CONTINUEDTable 1. MAC for the Crew Protection KitTable 1. MAC for the Crew Protection Kit - Continued.Table 1. MAC for the Crew Protection Kit - ContinuedTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment Requirements for the Crew Protection KitEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable and Durable ItemsTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items - ContinuedTORQUE LIMITSTable 1. Torque Limits - SAE Standard Fasteners.Table 2. Torque Limits - Metric FastenersFIELD MAINTENANCE (UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE) REPAIR PARTS LISTS (RPSTL) INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LISTS WORK PACKAGES Maintenance CodeRecoverability CodeEXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGE FORMAT AND COLUMNSABBREVIATIONSREPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTFigure 1. Underbody Armor Protection KitFigure 1. Underbody Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 2. Windshield Armor Protection Kit (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2. Windshield Armor Protection Kit (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2. Windshield Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 2. Windshield Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 3. Rear Cab Armor Protection KitFigure 3. Rear Cab Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 4. Side Armor Kit, Left and Right Sides (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4. Side Armor Kit, Left and Right Sides (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 4. Side Armor Kit, Left and Right Sides - ContinuedFigure 4. Side Armor Kit, Left and Right Sides - ContinuedFigure 5. Armored Door Assembly, Left and Right Sides (Model A) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 5. Armored Door Assembly, Left and Right Sides (Model A) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 5. Armored Door Assembly, Left and Right Sides (Model A) (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 5. Armored Door Assembly, Left and Right Sides (Model A) - ContinuedFigure 5. Armored Door Assembly, Left and Right Sides (Model A) - ContinuedFigure 5A. Armor Door Assembly, Left and Right Side - Model BFigure 5A. Armor Door Assembly, Left and Right Side - Model B - ContinuedFigure 5B. Armor Door Assembly - Model BFigure 5B. Armor Door Assembly - Model B - ContinuedFigure 5B. Armor Door Assembly - Model B - ContinuedFigure 6. Roof Armor Protection KitFigure 6. Roof Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 6. Roof Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 7. Front Armor Protection Kit (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7. Front Armor Protection Kit (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7. Front Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedFigure 7. Front Armor Protection Kit - ContinuedGROUP 94 REPAIR KITSGROUP 94 REPAIR KITS - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedCREW PROTECTION KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSEQUIPMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LISTREVISIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS - ContinuedLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSFigure 1. HEMTT Crew Protection Armor Kit component location.VERIFICATION OF TECHNICAL DATAFigure 1-1. Crate No. 1 layout.Figure 1-2. Crate No. 2 layout.WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTESDESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONGENERALREMOVE EXISTING HEMTT COMPONENTSFigure 2. Existing HEMTT components that are removed and retained.Figure 3. HEMTT Door removal.Figure 4. Remove the Male Dovetail and the Striker from the Door Frame.Figure 5. Removing the Skid Plate.Figure 6. Remove the Side Grab Handles.Figure 7. Remove the Cab Step.Figure 8. Loosen the Tire Carrier.Figure 9. Remove the Fuel-Air Separator Guard.Figure 11. Remove the windshield wiper.Figure 12. Remove the windshield half.Figure 13. Remove the Rear Cab Window.Figure 14. Remove the Passenger-Side Roof Panel (Machine-Gun Mount) Attachment BoltsHEMTT CREW PROTECTION ARMOR KIT INSTALLATIONPERSONNEL SKILL LEVELPARTS LISTPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedCREW PROTECTION ARMOR KIT ASSEMBLY PROCEDURESNOTEFigure 15. Windshield Bracket, Side Mounting.Figure 16. Windshield Bracket, Bottom Mounting.Figure 17. Windshield Frame pre-assembly.Figure 18. Position the Windshield Armor Frame into the cab windshield opening.Figure 19. Urethane Sealant and Ribbon Sealer vehicle locations.Figure 20. "L" Bracket Installation.Figure 21. Armor Windshield installation.Figure 22. Windshield Wiper and Cleaning Decal installation.Figure 23. Installing the Door Hinge and Hinge Bracket on the Front Cab Armor PanelFigure 24. The correct Door Hinge orientation.Figure 25. Install the amber clearance light and amber reflector onto the Front Side Cab Armor Panel.Figure 26. Install the Headlight Covers.Figure 27. Front HEMTT Armor Kit locations.Install the Front Armor Protection Kit, P/N 106705-3Figure 28. Left-hand Headlight Bracket Installed.Install the Armored Louvered GrilleFigure 29. Move the Harness Bracket to the inside for increased clearance for the Rear Cab Armor Panel BracketFigure 30. Install Mounting Armor Brackets to the driver's-side rear cab armor panel.Figure 31. Slide the Mounting Armor Brackets over the rear cab window opening edges.Figure 29a. Armored washer locations.Figure 32. Install the Armored Door Assembly to the cab (driver's-side door shown).Install the LH and RH Armored Door Assembly Side Armor Kit P/N 106703-9 (Driver's-side) and P/N 106703-10 (Passenger-side)Figure 33. Locate the Strap Assembly attachment point and Install the Door Striker.Figure 33a. Locate and install the Door Striker.Figure 33b. Door Striker Support Hole locations.Figure 34. Install the new Attachment Strap to the Armored Door Assembly.Figure 35. Install the Rear Side Cab Armor Panel.Figure 35a. The Rear Side Cab Armor Panel installed.Install the Blast Deflectors, Kit P/N 106706-3 (see Figure 36)Figure 36. Blast Deflector installation (1 of 2).Figure 36. Blast Deflector installation (2 of 2).Figure 36A. Remove the drag link from the pitman arm on the steering box.Figure 37A. Drill the holes for the Front Blast Deflector in the bottom of the fender supportFigure 38. Install the driver's-side front blast deflector (P/N 106717-1).Install the Blast Deflectors, Kit P/N 106706-3 (see Figure 36) - ContinuedInstall the Blast Deflectors, Kit P/N 106706-3 (see Figure 36) - ContinuedFigure 39. Position the Center Blast Deflector onto the Mounting Bracket Studs.Figure 41. Re-install the drag link.Figure 42. Re-install the Tire Carrier.Figure 43. Roof Armor - front driver's-side installation.Figure 45. Install the hatch seal.Figure 45a. Roof Armor Assembly hardware installation.Figure 46. Lift the Roof Armor Panel into place on the HEMTT roof.Figure 47. Position the Roof Armor Panel Rear Bracket.Figure 48. Secure the forward end of the Roof Armor Panel using the attachment hardwareFigure 48A. Escape Hatch Handle and Draw Latch illustration.Figure 48b. Installation of the Escape Hatch Brackets.Re-Install the LH and RH Door-Mounted Outside MirrorsFigure 48B. Blackout Light installation.Figure 49. Reversed Upper Brush Guard Cover.APPENDIX A. FASTENER TORQUE VALUESTable A-1. Torque Limits for Wet FastenersGEN IIIB INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSEQUIPMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LISTREVISIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSFigure 1. HEMTT Crew Protection Armor Kit component location.CRATING / UNCRATINGFigure 1-1. Crate No. 1 layout.Figure 1-2. Crate No. 2 layout.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONGENERALREMOVE EXISTING HEMTT COMPONENTSFigure 2. Existing HEMTT components that are removed and retained.Figure 3. HEMTT Door removal.Figure 4. Remove the Male Dovetail and the Striker from the Door Frame.Figure 5. Removing the Skid Plate.Figure 6. Remove the Side Grab Handles.Figure 7. Remove the Cab Step.Figure 8. Loosen the Tire Carrier.Figure 9. Remove the Fuel-Air Separator Guard.Figure 11. Remove the windshield wiper.Figure 12. Remove the windshield half.Figure 13. Remove the Rear Cab Window.Figure 14. Remove the Passenger-Side Roof Panel (Machine-Gun Mount) Attachment BoltsHEMTT CREW PROTECTION ARMOR KIT INSTALLATIONPERSONNEL SKILL LEVELPARTS LISTPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedPARTS LIST - ContinuedCREW PROTECTION ARMOR KIT ASSEMBLY PROCEDURESCREW PROTECTION ARMOR KIT ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES - ContinuedFigure 15. Windshield Bracket, Side Mounting.Figure 16. Windshield Bracket, Bottom Mounting.Figure 17. Windshield Frame pre-assembly.Figure 18. Position the Windshield Armor Frame into the cab windshield opening.Figure 19. Urethane Sealant and Ribbon Sealer vehicle locations.Figure 20. "L" Bracket Installation.Figure 21. Armor Windshield installation.Figure 22. Windshield Wiper and Cleaning Decal installation.Figure 23. Install the Headlight Covers.Figure 24. Front HEMTT Armor Kit locations.Install the HeadlightsFigure 25. Left-hand Headlight Bracket Installed.Install the Rear Cab Armor Panels Kit P/N 106702-3Figure 26. Move the Harness Bracket to the inside for increased clearance for the Rear Cab Armor Panel BracketFigure 26a. Armored washer locations.Figure 28. Slide the Mounting Armor Brackets over the rear cab window opening edges.Figure 28a. Armored washer locations.Install the Blast Deflectors, Kit P/N 106706-3 (see Figure 29)Figure 29. Blast Deflector installation (1 of 2).Figure 29. Blast Deflector installation (2 of 2).Figure 29a. Remove the drag link from the pitman arm on the steering box.Figure 30a. Drill the holes for the Front Blast Deflector in the bottom of the fender support.Install the Blast Deflectors, Kit P/N 106706-3 - ContinuedInstall the Blast Deflectors, Kit P/N 106706-3 - ContinuedFigure 31. Position the Center Blast Deflector onto the Mounting Bracket Studs.Figure 32. Secure the Center Blast Deflector to the Mounting Bracket.Figure 33. Re-install the drag link.Figure 34. Re-install the Tire Carrier.Figure 35. Temporary Side Armor Panel positioning (showing rivnut pilot hole locations).Install the Side Armor, Kit P/N 115500-1 (Driver's Side).Install the Side Armor, Kit P/N 115500-1 (Driver's Side). - ContinuedFigure 36. Side Armor Panel Side Seal Gasket attachment.Figure 37. Side Armor Panel Assembly Attachment.Figure 38. Roof Armor - front driver's-side installation.Figure 40. Install the hatch seal.Figure 41. Lift the Roof Armor Panel into place on the HEMTT roof.Figure 42. Position the Roof Armor Panel Rear Bracket.Figure 43. Secure the forward end of the Roof Armor Panel using the attachment hardwareFigure 44. Escape Hatch Handle and Draw Latch illustration.Figure 45. Installation of the Escape Hatch Brackets.Re-Install the LH and RH Door-Mounted Outside MirrorsFigure 46. Blackout Light installation.Figure 47. Reversed Upper Brush Guard Cover.APPENDIX A. FASTENER TORQUE VALUESTabke A-1. Torque Limits for Wet FastenersC4ISR INSTRUCTIONSEQUIPMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LISTREVISIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSINTRODUCTIONHEMTT C4ISR MOUNTING HARDWARE KIT INSTALLATIONFigure 2.1. Right Rear Cab Armor Panel 106724-4 (Passenger Side).Figure 2.2. Left Rear Cab Armor Panel 106724-3 (Driver's side).Figure 2.3. PLGR Antennae mount.C4ISR MOUNTING HARDWARE KIT ASSEMBLY PROCEDURESFigure 3.1. Mounting Brackets.Figure 3.2. Roof Support Bracket hole locations.APPENDIX A. FASTENER TORQUE VALUES