CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONPREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTEQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURESLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSTHEORY OF OPERATIONTable 2. M915A3 Front Suspension Kit (Part Number: 57K4955)Table 3. M915A4 Front Suspension Kit (Part Number: 57K4956)CHAPTER 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONSDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - CONTINUEDOPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSOPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - CONTINUEDESCAPE HATCH OPERATIONOPERATION IN EXTREME TEMPERATURESSTOWAGE AND DECAL/DATA PLATE GUIDECHAPTER 3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES - CONTINUEDGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDOPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - CONTINUEDCLEANING BALLISTIC GLASSCHAPTER 4. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - CONTINUEDPAINTING INSTRUCTIONSUSE OF SEALANTDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR HANDLE REPLACEMENTDOOR HANDLE REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR HANDLE REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH REPLACEMENTDOOR LATCH REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR BALLISTIC GLASS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENTDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENT - CONTINUEDCAB SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT REPLACEMENTCAB SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDCAB SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWHEEL ZONE DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENTWHEEL ZONE DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWHEEL ZONE DEFLECTOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENTFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFLOOR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENTRIGHT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDRIGHT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENTLEFT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDLEFT SIDE ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDA-PILLAR ARMOR REPLACEMENTA-PILLAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDA-PILLAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENTREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDREAR ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENTROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDROOF ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENTWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDWINDSHIELD BALLISTIC GLASS REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFIREWALL ARMOR REPLACEMENTFIREWALL ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFIREWALL ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFIREWALL ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFIREWALL ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFIREWALL ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDESCAPE HATCH REPLACEMENTESCAPE HATCH REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDCOWL ARMOR REPLACEMENTCOWL ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT ARMOR REPLACEMENTFRONT ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFRONT ARMOR REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENTFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDFOAM INSULATION REPLACEMENT - CONTINUEDCHAPTER 5. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCESREFERENCES - CONTINUEDMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONMAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, TABLE 1- CONTINUEDTable 1. MAC for the Crew Protection KitTable 1. MAC for the Crew Protection Kit - Continued.Table 2. Tools and Test Equipment Requirements for the Crew Protection Kit.EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - CONTINUEDEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - CONTINUEDTORQUE LIMITSTable 1. Torque Limits - SAE Standard Fasteners.Table 2. Torque Limits - Metric Fasteners.CREW PROTECTION KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSEQUIPMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LISTREVISIONSInstallation InstructionsList of Updates (Effective Pages)PREFACETable of ContentsList of FiguresList of Figures - ContinuedList of Figures - ContinuedList of TablesGENERAL INFORMATIONOVERVIEW AND GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINESPREPARATIONFigure 2-1. Cabin Preparations - Cutting the External Mirror's Electrical Wiring.Figure 2-3. Cabin Preparations - Installing Drilling-Pattern #999 and Drilling One 8-mm (5/16") HoleTable 3-1. Kit Inventory - Ballistic ItemsTable 3-1. Kit Inventory - Ballistic Items - ContinuedTable 3-2. Kit Inventory - Non-Ballistic ItemsTable 3-2. Kit Inventory - Non-Ballistic Items - ContinuedOff-the-Shelf ItemsFastenersFasteners - ContinuedKit Installation ChecklistFigure 4-1. General View before Kit Installation.Supplemental Cab Support Kit InstallationParts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsFigure 5-3. Supplemental Cab Support Kit Installation Rubber Bumper (#179) Removal / InstallationParts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsInstallation InstructionsFigure 5-6. Installing the RH Wheel Housing Placing the RH Wheel Housing Support ArmFigure 5-6a. Installing the RH Wheel Housing RH Wheel Housing Fasteners.Parts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsInstallation InstructionsFigure 5-9. Installing the LH Wheel Housing - Placing the LH Wheel Housing Support Arm.Parts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsFigure 5-12. LH (Driver's) Floor Kit InstallationFigure 5-14. Floor Kit Installation (3 of 4).Figure 5-16. RH Kit Installation - Final View.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-18. RH Kit Installation (1 of 3).Figure 5-21. LH Kit Installation - Final View.Figure 5-23. LH Kit Installation (1 of 3).Figure 5-25. LH Kit Installation (3 of 3).Figure 5-27. Backside Kit Installation Parts.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-28. Backside Kit Installation (1 of 3).Figure 5-32. Roof Kit Installation Parts.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-34. Roof Kit Installation- LH Corner (2 of 10).Figure 5-35. Roof Kit Installation Right Rear (3 of 10).Figure 5-39. Roof Kit Installation - Left Rear Corner (7 of 10).Figure 5-41. Roof Kit Installation - RT Top A-Pillar (9 of 10).Figure 5-44. Windscreen Bars and Brackets Installation - Parts.Figure 5-45. Windscreen Bars and Brackets Installation - Right Side (1 of 4).Figure 5-47. Windscreen Bars and Brackets Installation - Left Side (3 of 4).Figure 5-49. Firewall Kit Installation - Final View.Figure 5-51. Firewall Kit Installation (1 of 4).Figure 5-53. Firewall Kit Installation (3 of 4).Figure 5-55. Emergency Exit Kit Installation - Final View.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-57. Emergency Exit Kit Installation (1 of 4).igure 5-59. Emergency Exit Kit Installation (4 of 4).Figure 5-61. Front Cowl Kit Installation - Parts.Figure 5-62. Front Cowl Kit Installation (1 of 1).Figure 5-64. RH Cowl Kit Installation Parts.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-65a. RH Cowl Kit Installation - Door Step Preparation (1 of 3)Figure 5-65b. RH Cowl Kit Installation (2 of 3).Figure 5-68. LH Cowl Kit Installation Parts.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-69a. LH Cowl Kit Installation - Door Step Preparation (1 of 3).Figure 5-69b. LH Cowl Kit InstallationFigure 5-72. Front Cover Kit Installation - Parts.Figure 5-73. Front Cover Kit InstallationFigure 5-75. Front Cover Kit Installation (3 of 5).Figure 5-79. Windscreen Kit Installation Parts.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-80. Windscreen Kit Installation (1 of 7).Figure 5-82. Windscreen Kit Installation (3 of 7).Figure 5-86. Windscreen Kit Installation (7 of 7).Figure 5-87. Seats Installation - Final View.Figure 5-89. Seats Installation - Seats Base Installation (1 of 1).Figure 5-91. RH Armored Door Installation PartsParts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsInstallation InstructionsFigure 5-92. RH Armored Door InstallationInstallation InstructionsFigure 5-96. RH Door Accessories Assembly - Parts Removed from the OEM Door.Figure 5-99. RH Door Accessories Assembly (3 of 6).Figure 5-104. LH Armored Door Installation Parts.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-107. LH Armored Door Installation - Lower Hinge, Door Detent (3 of 4).Installation InstructionsFigure 5-109. LH Door Accessories Assembly - Parts Removed from the OEM Door.Figure 5-113. LH Door Accessories Assembly - Assembly of external Door Handle (4 of 6).Figure 5-116. Insulation Installation - Final View.Installation InstructionsFigure 5-120. Insulation Installation - Roof Insulation (4 of 7).Kit Installation CompletionFigure 5-124. Re-installation of Interior Components.Table 6-1. Recommended Maximum Torque ValuesFigure 6-1. Fasteners Map - Cab Support Reinforcement.Figure 6-2. Fasteners Map - RH and LH Wheels Housing.Figure 6-3. Fasteners Map - Floor and Firewall.Figure 6-4. Fasteners Map - RH and LH sides.Figure 6-5. Fasteners Map Backside.Figure 6-6. Fasteners Map Roof.Figure 6-7. Fasteners Map - Windscreen and Front Cover (1 of 2).Figure 6-8. Fasteners Map - Windscreen and Front Cover (2 of 2).Figure 6-9. Fasteners Map - RH and LH Doors.Prep work for Cab Support installation (M916-A1 Only)Installation InstructionsFigure 7-1. Elbow Adjustment.Figure 7-3. Hose Wrap Location.Parts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsParts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsFigure 7-6. #659 Installation (#658 RH).Installation InstructionsFigure 7-8. Wheel Housing.Parts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsParts, Fasteners, Special Tools, and MaterialsFigure 7-10. Shift Tower Installation.Shift Tower Installation (M916-A1 Only)Figure 7-11. Shift Tower Installation (M916-A1).Rear Wall Mounting Plate (M915-A2 and M916-A1)Figure 7-12. Mounting Plate Installation.Relocate Engine Check Connector (M915-A2 and M916-A1)FIELD MAINTENANCE (UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE) REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTS (RPSTL) INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LISTS Maintenance CodeRecoverability CodeEXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGE FORMAT AND COLUMNSHOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSFigure 1. Cab Support Reinforcement KitFigure 1. Cab Support Reinforcement Kit - ContinuedFigure 2. Wheel Housing Armor KitFigure 2. Wheel Housing Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 3. Interior Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 3. Interior Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 3. Interior Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 3. Interior Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 3. Interior Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 4. Side Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4. Side Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 4. Side Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 4. Side Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 5. Rear Protection Armor KitFigure 5. Rear Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 6. Front Cowl Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 6. Front Cowl Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 6. Front Cowl Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 6. Front Cowl Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 7. Windscreen Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7. Windscreen Protection Armor Kit (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7. Windscreen Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 8. Roof Protection Armor KitFigure 8. Roof Protection Armor Kit - ContinuedFigure 9. Foam Insulation KitFigure 9. Foam Insulation Kit - ContinuedGROUP 94 REPAIR KITSGROUP 94 REPAIR KITS - ContinuedNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - Continued