TB 9-2320-302-13&P-2
4.) Add red exit strap to rear window.
1.) Remove bottom bolts from caution
light bracket
2. Align frame and insert bolts on with
washers and nuts and top of frame.
3.) Drill bottom holes using the frame as
a guide. Install 4 each of bolts,
washers and nuts.
* Note: On the top rail the A2 and A3
models differ in bolts. A2 9X1/4 - 20
Bolts, A3 use 3X1/4 bolts and 4X3/8 -
16 Bolts. The bottom Rail requires
same bolts 4X5/16 bolts
6.) Lock window in by tucking the bottom
5.) Wet the seal of back window that was
of the seal
broken earlier with soapy water.
Place glass inside seal using a flat
head screwdriver to guide.
0038 00-35