TB 9-2320-279-13&P
Install ladder and rail assembly (4) and secure with sixteen 4397000-060 capscrews (6) and
4397004-008 lockwashers (5) as shown in figure 8. Tighten capscrews (6) to 37 lb-ft.
K. Install lower ladder assembly, safety pins, and cables. Refer to Appendix A.
L. Install lamp assemblies and reflectors as follows:
1. Install EE34609 reflector (25) on left lower side panel assembly (7) and secure with two
4397012-074 screws (24) and 4397004-005 lockwashers (23) as shown in figure 8.
Tighten screws (24) to 59 lb-in.
2. Connect wiring harness connector (29) to lamp base assembly (28). Ensure positive to
positive and negative to negative installation. Refer to figure 8.
3. Install lamp base assembly (28) on left lower side panel assembly (7) and secure with
four 4397012-076 screws (1) and 4397004-005 lockwashers (2) as shown in figure 8.
Tighten screws (1) to 59 lb-in.
4. Install lamp cover (27) and secure with two screws (26) as shown in figure 8.
5. Install EE34609 reflector (14) on right lower side panel assembly (17) and secure with
two 4397012-074 screws (16) and 4397004-005 lockwashers (15) as shown in figure 8.
Tighten screws (16) to 59 lb-in.
6. Connect wiring harness connector (19) to lamp base assembly (18). Ensure positive to
positive and negative to negative installation. Refer to figure 8.
7. Install lamp base assembly (18) on right lower side panel assembly (17) and secure with
four 4397012-076 screws (11) and 4397004-005 lockwashers (10) as shown in figure 8.
Tighten screws (11) to 59 lb-in.
8. Install lamp cover (13) and secure with two screws (12) as shown in figure 8.
9. Connect wiring harness connector (16) to lamp base assembly (15). Ensure positive to
positive and negative to negative installation. Refer to figure 9. Repeat procedure for
four remaining rear lamps.
10. Install lamp base assembly (15) on lightbar panel assembly (1) and secure with four
4397012-076 screws (17) and 4397004-005 lockwashers (18) as shown in figure 9.
Tighten screws (17) to 59 lb-in. Repeat procedure for four remaining rear lamps.
11. Install lamp cover (14) and secure with two screws (13) as shown in figure 9. Repeat
procedure for four remaining rear lamps.