TM 9-2320-363-20-1
Table 3-2. ABS Troubleshooting (Cont)
Normal Indication
Corrective Action
12. Speed Sensor Operation.
Raise tire and support on
Digital display should
Push sensor up against tone
stands to test sensor. Block
be between 000 and
remaining tires and release
parking brakes. With the ignition
Check for crossed sensor
switch on and engine not
running, test each speed sensor
as follows:
Aline sensor and tooth wheel
(pages 4-285, 4-290).
Spin test wheel 1/2 revolution
per second. Digital display
should be between 100 and
1999. Any faster, digital
display must show 1 (more
than 1999).
Press buttons 14 and A for
left front axle, then spin tire.
Press buttons 14 and B for
right front axle, then spin tire.
Press buttons 14 and C for
left drive axle, then spin tire.
Press buttons 14 and D for
right drive axle, then spin tire.
13. Final Test
Disconnect test unit and attach
Tractor status light
If tractor status light stays on
cab harness to ECU. Start
must go off.
after completing items 1 thru
engine and drive vehicle at
11, replace ECU (page 4-296).
approximately 4 mph.