Two choices can be found under this item; FILTERED, or TRIP. This is what you want
the FEI to use to base its calculations. Filtered bases the calculations on the fuel
information, by periodic sampling of fuel consumption, recorded in the ECM. Trip
bases the calculations on the trip portion of the fuel usage information.
FEI is only able to be set by the customer or service outlet and only with the DDR or programming
station. Requires MPSI DDR version 5.0 or higher.
Fuel Pressure Sensor
Fuel pressure sensing is currently only configured for some industrial engines. It is not available
on all series. The fuel pressure sensor used is the same as the oil pressure sensor.
Full Power Continuous Override
Full Power Continuous Override allows the operator to override the shutdown protection and
maintain full power rather than ramp down to a reduced performance. This is set on the mainframe.
Function Lockout
Function Lockout was added to the release of 4.00 ECM and DDR software.
The purpose of this new option is to allow users to have a selected area or areas of the customer
parameters password protected. For example, a customer can now function lockout the cruise
control parameters with a user entered password, and still have the other areas accessible with the
DDR with no (four zeros) password.
The function lockout parameters are able to be selected and customized to the customers request.
The areas that are able to be protected by function lockout are:
Idle Shutdown
VSG Configuration
Engine Protection
Cruise Control
Progressive Shift
Engine Droop
Engine/Vehicle Options
Air Compressor
ESS Transmission
When making changes with the DDR under the Reprogram Calibration section, you will already
have entered a password to get past this step. If any of the functions in the selection list are
function lockout protected, the DDR will ask for the function lockout password after that
selection is made.
Half Engine Enable
Half engine enable can be set with the DDR for ECMs with 7.00 ECM software or higher. A
current DDR is required. Half engine options are:
All information subject to change without notice.
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