TM 9-2320-283-20-3STEERING SYSTEM.3-217.1. STEERING STOP INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES (Continued).LOCATION/ITEMACTIONREMARKSINSPECTION/ADJUSTMENT (Continued).3. Front wheel hub (6).Center and measure.Use a 24-inch ruler tomake two measurements.First, measure the dis-tance from the front leafspring (7) to the front ofthe inner vehicle hub (6).Next, turn the vehicle hub(6) until the distance fromthe leaf spring (7) is thesame between the innerhub (6) and the rear of theinner hub (6) edge.Mark lines.4. Template (5).Scribe (mark) a line (8)across the zero degreereference line edge (9) ofthe template (5). Line (8)should beparallel to theline of travel (10).Change 1 3-1304.3
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