TM 9-2320-273-20
10-12. TIRE AND TUBE MAINTENANCE (M916 THRU M920) (Continua).
3. Tire (1).
Use gooseneck tool to free
A heavy soft headed mallet
tire bead from side ring
may be used in breaking tire
all around tire.
loose from ring.
4. Lockring (4) and
a. Use rim tool to pry side
side ring {3).
ring (3) free from rim (2).
b. Remove both rings.
5. Tire (1) and rim (2).
a. Turn over.
b. Use gooseneck tool to
separate second tire bead
from rim.
c. Remove tire (1), inner
liner (5) and tube (6).
6. Tube (6) and inner liner (5).
Remove from tire (1).
7. Tire (1) tube (6) and
Inspect for:
Replace, if necessary, or
inner liner (5).
a. Excessive wear.
b. Uneven wear.
See TM 9-2610-200-20
c. Cracks.
for information on pneumatic
d. Leaks.
tires and tubes.
8. Rim (2).
Inspect for:
Replace, if necessary.
a. Rust streaks.
b. Corrosion.
For rust streaks or corrosion,
wire brush and repaint.
c. Cracked rims.
d. Damaged threads on studs.
e. Wheel cracks.