Code 46
Code 47
Code 48
Code 51
Code 52
Code 53
Code 54
Code 55
Code 56
Section 4
TM 9-2320-363-20-1
T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G C H A R T S ( C o n t d . )
Low Battery Voltage - Engine running with low battery voltage (less than 10,0 volts) for more than 30 seconds.
High Fuel Pressure - Engine running with high fuel pressure for more than 30 seconds.
Low Fuel Pressure - Engine running with low fuel pressure for more than 30 seconds The fuel pressure low limit
value varies with engine RPM.
EEPROM Error -An error has been detected in the EEPROM (Electrically Erasable. Programmable, Read Only
Memory) inside the ECM.
ECM Failure - The ECM was unable to correctly convert sensor voltages into numbers for computer usage.
EEPROM Memory Failure -An error has been detected in the EEPROM inside the ECM which affects the logging
of trouble codes
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Failure - The DDEC-II system has detected a fault with the DDEC-II VSS. This fault
may have been either a short. open or an inconsistency between the VSS speed reading. and an ECM calculated
speed based on RPM and the injector pulsewidth.
Proprietary Communication Link Failure - An error has occurred in the communication link used between two
ECMS on a dual engine set-up.
ECM Failure - The ECM was unable to correctly convert sensor voltages into numbers for computer usage.
Code 61, 62,63,64, response time too long.
Codes 71
Code 81
Code 82
Code 84
Code 85
The response time of the injector was longer than the maximum limit or the injector never responded at all. Oil
or coolant temperature must be greater than 30 degrees C and battery voltage must be between 11 volts and
16 volts to log this code. Also. the code is only logged at less than 2000 RPM.
72, 73, response time too short.
The response time of the injector was shorter than the minimum limit. Oil or coolant temperature must be greater
than 30 degrees C and battery voltage must be between 11 volts and 16 volts to log this code. Also. the code
is only logged at less than 2000 RPM.
Crankcase Monitor Sensor (CCM) - Engine running for 2 seconds with too high a voltage at the CCM input to
the ECM (149 Series Engine Only).
Crankcase Monitor Sensor (CCM) - Engine running for 2 seconds with too low a voltage at the CCM input to the
ECM (149 Series Engine Only).
Crankcase Monitor Tripped - This indicates the CCM has tripped due to high crankcase pressure (149 Series
Engine Only).
The engine has been operating over 2500 RPM for at least two seconds.