TM 9-2320-363-20-1
Display: No Mode Lights
Type: Power
System Mode
Possible Causes*
No operation
Power out of range
Low battery voltage
Poor ground connection to Electronic Control Unit
Poor switched Ignition connection to Electronic Control Unit
High vehicle electrical system voltage
Faulty Electronic Control Unit
*Possible causes are listed In order of likely occurrence.
Code Description
A "Power" code indicates a power fault and sets when
the system power is outside a 24 Volt system's
acceptable range of 18 to 32 Volts. The fault could be
caused by low battery power or some other problem with
the basic vehicle electrical system.
If the vehicle power system checks out satisfactorily,
other possible causes include bad Electronic Control
Unit (ECU) connections, or a faulty ECU.
In inspecting circuits and connections for a Power Code,
pay particular attention to a bad ground connection,
which could be causing the fault.
See "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 3-92.15 for general
guidelines on system diagnostics.
3-92.38 Change 3