TM 9-2320-363-20-1
Display: 2 Solid Lights
Type: Between Modes
System Mode
Possible Causes*
Pressure check only
Slow inflate
Faulty compressor
Restricted flow at wheel valve air filters
Crimped or plugged lines
Slow deflate
Restricted flow at wheel valve air filters or valve stem
Leaking upper control lines
Plugged or restricted Pneumatic Control Unit vent port
Restricted tire valve stem
Faulty PCU relief valve
Restricted QRV exhaust port
* Possible causes are listed In order of likely occurrence.
Code Description
A "Between Modes" code occurs if a channel inflates or
deflates too slowly. The maximum allotted time for an
inflate is 40 minutes, or 20 minutes for a deflate. The
most likely cause is a faulty compressor or similar
problem resulting in inadequate air supply to the Central
Tire Inflation System.
If the system is able to generate a sufficient air supply, a
"Between Modes" code means that a leak or restriction
exists in an air passage. The components that may
contain a restricted or leaking air passage include:
Wheel valve air filters
Quick Release Valve (QRV)
Pneumatic Control Unit (PCU) vent port
Air supply lines
Restricted tire valve stem
Faulty PCU relief valve
Restricted QRV exhaust
To correctly diagnose the faulty component, connect the
Diagnostic Tool (see Page 3-92.16 for test equipment,
and descriptions) and follow the procedure in the
Between Modes troubleshooting tree.
See "Troubleshooting Tips" on page 3-92.15 for general
guidelines on system diagnostics.
3-92.34 Change 3