TM 9-2320-303-102-37.OPERATE IN SANDY OR DUSTY CONDITIONS.NOTE· M915A4 is equipped with No Spin® automatic locking positivetraction differential on the forward-rear axle. The No Spin®differential eliminates individual wheel spinout for better traction.· When locking system is engaged, driving axles receive equal torque.a.Maintain steady, even movement with transmission in lower gears and interaxlelockout control valve lever in LOCK position. Try to keep vehicle rolling without strainingengine and powertrain.b.If vehicle gets stuck, reduce tire pressure to gain additional traction. Reducepressure in front tires to 50 psi and pressure in rear tires to 45 psi (302 kPa). Inflate tires tonormal pressures once vehicle is freed.c.If vehicle bogs down, after tire pressure has been reduced, place boards, brush,canvas, or similar materials under and in front of tires after shoveling a clear path ahead ofeach tire. This should improve traction.d.If these efforts fail and it becomes evident that vehicle will not free itself, haveanother vehicle tow stuck vehicle (paragraph 2-30).e.Whenever operating in sandy or dusty areas, you should:(1)Make sure each tire has a valve cap.(2)Check engine and transmission temperature and engine oil pressurefrequently.(3)If vehicle overheats, stop and find out why. Service or notify UnitMaintenance, as necessary.(4)Make sure engine oil filler tube and transmission fluid filler tube arecleaned before dipsticks are removed to check fluid levels. Clean accumulations of sand anddirt from around any fluid filler locations before checking or adding fluids.(5)Clean spouts of fuel containers and areas around filler caps on fuel tanksbefore adding fuel. Under extremely sandy or dusty conditions, filter fuel when filling tanks.(6)Cover window glass to protect against sand blasting.(7)Notify Unit Maintenance to clean, inspect, and lubricate propeller shaftsmore frequently.2-96
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