TM 9-2320-303-102-36.FORDING.a.General.(1)Maximum fording depth is 20 in. (50.8 cm).(2)Ford to maximum depth for short periods and short distances only.Vehicles can ford to maximum depth for five minutes without requiring maintenance tocontinue operation.b.BeforeFording.(1)Check bottom surface of water to ensure it is hard enough to be fordedwithout exceeding maximum fording depth.(2)Ensure that engine is operating properly.(3)Lubricate unpainted surfaces to guard against rust and deterioration.(4)Place interaxle lockout control valve lever in LOCK position.c.DuringFording.(1)Place transmission in a low gear (paragraph 2-13) and enter water slowly.(2)Ford at speeds of 3-4 mph (5-6 kph).d.AfterFording.(1)When vehicle emerges from water, apply brakes a few times to dry brakelinings. Ensure that brakes are working properly before driving at normal speeds.(2)Place interaxle lockout control valve lever in UNLOCK position.(3)Allow engine to run for awhile to drive out any accumulated water.(4)Drain or dry any area where water has accumulated.(5)Check all fluids for signs of contamination and for proper levels.(Appendix F).(6)If vehicle has been operated in salt water, rinse undercarriageimmediately. Allow exterior to dry and check for evidence of salt accumulation. Use a clean,damp cloth to immediately remove all salt accumulation.(7)Notify Unit Maintenance that after-fording lubrication is required.2-95
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