TM 9-2320-283-10
F a i l u r e t o d i s c o n n e c t t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n t o
forward-rear axle propeller shaft or lift the
rear driving wheels before pushing or towing
the vehicle can cause serious transmission
damage. The engine cannot be started by
p u s h i n g o r t o w i n g .
If transmission oil temperature gage indicates
a temperature of 300°F or greater (red band),
stop vehicle in a safe place, shift to NEUTRAL,
and operate engine at 1,500 RPM to reduce
t r a n s m i s s i o n t e m p e r a t u r e t o b e l o w 3 0 0 ° F
(yellow or green band). If temperture cannot
be lowered during 3-minutes of idle at 1,500
RPM, stop engine and advise Organizational
M a i n t e n a n c e .
The button on top of the shift control knob must al-
ways be depressed to move the lever except when man-
ually upshifting from position 1-2 to 1-3, 1-3 to 1-4,
or 1-4 to 1-5. When the lever has fully engaged the
desired position, the button will pop-up.
With the park brake applied, depress Selector lever button and move selector
lever to NEUTRAL (N) to start the engine. The engine will not start with the
selector lever in another position. Apply service brakes, release Park Brake,
depress button, and move selector lever to REVERSE (R) to back up. Depress
button and move selector lever to aline with the desired gear range. For opera-
tion at night, the gear range dial and gear range indicator are illuminated.
In all forward gear ranges, the vehicle will start in FIRST GEAR (1) and auto-
matically upshift to the highest gear shown for the gear range selected. For
example, in gear range 1-5, the vehicle will start in FIRST GEAR (1) and up-
shift automatically thru SECOND GEAR (2). THIRD GEAR (3), FOURTH
GEAR (4), and FIFTH GEAR (5). If gear range 1-3 is selected, the transmission
will automatically upshift from FIRST GEAR (1) thru SECOND GEAR (2)
and into THIRD GEAR. It will not upshift beyond THIRD GEAR until the
selector lever is manually moved to a higher gear range.