TM 9-2320-273-20
2-48. WORK LAMPS (M916 AND M920).
When the operation switch is in NORMAL position, and the operator places the work lamps switch to
ON, 12-volt power is supplied to the work lamps on the M916 and M920 vehicles.
WORK LAMPS. Each assembly contains a single filament sealed beam unit. When the opera-
tion switch is in NORMAL and the work lamps switch is ON, the work lamps come on.
WORK LAMPS SWITCH. Two-position switch for ON and OFF mode of operation. When
the switch is ON, 12-volt power is supplied through CB-2, normally closed contacts of relay
K8, to the work lamps.
RELAY (K8). The relay is normally closed. When the operation switch is placed to BLACK-
OUT, 12-volt power is supplied to coil of K8, energizing the relay, and opens the contacts.
This prevents the work lamps from coming on whenever the operation switch is in the
ClRCUIT BREAKER (CB-9), Protects electrical components of work lamps circuit by open-
ing when load exceeds 20 amps. Automatically recycles until overload is removed.
ClRCUIT BREAKER (CB-2). Protects electrical components of relay K8 circuits by opening
when load exceeds 20 amps. Automatically recycles until overload is removed.
OPERATION SWITCH. Two-position switch for NORMAL and BLACKOUT modes of
operation. In this circuit, the switch is used to prevent operation of the work lamps. In
BLACKOUT position, 12-volt power from circuit breaker CB-2 passes through the switch
and energizes coil of relay K8, thus preventing the work lamps from being turned on.