TM 9-2320-273-206-14. TRANSMISSION CONTROL HEATER MAINTENANCE (Continued).LOCATION/lTEMACTIONREMARKSA. REMOVAL (Continued).2. Four nuts (15) andUnscrew and remove fourWires are contained in harnesswashers (16).wires from two heaters (7).(17). Tag for reassembly.3. Two nuts (5) andUnscrew and remove bottomRemove only the bottom heat-washers (6).heater (7) and two washers(10) from two rods (14).er at this time.4. Top heater (7), two nutsRemove as an assembly from(5), washers (6), rods (14),After assembly has been re-transmission.moved, disassemble nuts,washers (10), and fourwashers, and heater from rods.nuts (11).5. Harness (17).Unplug from switch (13).Tag for reassembly. Oneterminal from harness (17)will still be connected toswitch (13).6. Two bolts (8) andUnscrew and remove harnessTag one terminal from harnesswashers (9).(17), plate (12), and switch(17) for reassembly.(13) from transmission.7. Four cable ties (18).Cut and remove from harnessDiscard.(17).6-38TRANSMISSION.
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