TM 9-2320-273-20
Subject, Para
Motor, 5-32
Relay, 5-33
Switch, 5-34
Troubleshooting, 5-8
Starter Magnetic Switch
(See Starter)
Starter Solenoid
(See Starter, Motor)
Steering Arm Maintenance, 10-84.3
Assembly, 10-84.7
Cleaning and Inspection, 10-84.7
Disassembly, 10-84.4
Fabrication of Pushrod Driver and
Steering Stop Template, 10-85
Preparation, 10-84.4
Steering Column, 10-18
Steering Gear
Description, 2-76
Steering Gear Poppet Adjustment, 10-84.11
Steering System
Auxiliary Cylinder, 10-23
Description, 2-76
Drag Link, 10-19
Hydraulic Pump and Reservoir Assembly,
Lower Steering Column, 10-18
Pitman Arm, 10-21
Steering Wheel, 10-17
Tie Rod, 10-20
Troubleshooting, 10-5
U-Joints, 10-18
Steering Stop Inspection and Adjustment
Procedures, 10-84.8
Steering Wheel
Description, 2-76
Maintenance, 10-17
Stop Lamps
(See Rear Lamp Assembly)
Subject, Para
Stop Switches
Description, 2-76
Maintenance, 5-85
Stowage Box
(See Seat Risers)
Supply Rervoir
Automatic Drain Valve, 9-12
Description, 2-60
Maintenance, 9-16
Suspension System
Front Axle Shock Absorbers, 10-24
Pusher Axle Shock Absorbers, 10-25
Rear Axle Torque Rods, 10-26
Troubleshooting, 10-5
Switches and Relays
(See Specific Items)
Tachograph Assembly
Description, 2-52
Maintenance, 5-66
Speedometer Cable, 6-13
Tachometer Cable, 4-19
Tail Lamps
(See Rear Lamp Assembly)
Tail Pipe
(See Exhaust Stack)
Tail Roller, 11-33
Thermal Switch, Quick-Start
(See Ether Quick-Start Kit)
Thermostat Control and Linkage
Description, 2-9
Maintenance, 4-22
Troubleshooting, 4-5
Throttle, Winch
Description, 2-80
Maintenance, 12-12
Index-12 Change 3