TM 9-2320-273-20
Subject, Para
Subject, Para
Fuel Pump Screen
Description, 2-24
Maintenance, 4-17
Fuel Solenoid
(See Solenoid Shutoff Valve)
Fuel System
Description, 2-24
Fuel Filter, 4-18
Fuel Gage, 5-59
Fuel Level Sending Unit, 5-79
Fuel Pump Screen, 4-17
Hand Throttle and Linkage, 4-22
Lines, Hoses, and Fittings, 4-20
Solenoid Shutoff Valve, 4-16
Tachometer Cable, 4-19
Tank, 4-23
Troubleshooting, 4-5
Fuel Tank
Description, 4-23
Maintenance, 4-23
Air Pressure, 9-20
Fuel, 5-59
Oil Pressure, 5-59
Pusher Axle Air Pressure, 8-16
Tachograph, 5-66
Transmission Oil Temperature, 5-59
Troubleshooting, 5-13, 9-5
Voltmeter, 5-59
Water Temperature, 5-59
Grille, 11-16
Grille Support Brackets, 11-18
Hand Control Valve
(See Trailer Brake Valve)
Hand Throttle and Linkage
Description, 2-9
Maintenance, 4-22
Troubleshooting, 4-5
Hazard Warning Switch
Description, 2-46
Maintenance, 5-58
Description, 2-44
Dimmer Switch, 5-57
Lamps, 5-44
Switch, 5-62
Air Ducts, 11-30
Control Panel, 11-28
Control Valve, 11-29
Description, 2-56, 2-57
Fan Switch, 5-69
Hoses, 11-27
Motor, 11-24
Shutoff Valve, 4-48
High-Beam Indicator
Description, 2-44
Maintenance, 5-63
High Engine Water Temperature Switch
(See Water Temperature Switch)
Hood, 11-32
Horn, Air
(See Air Horn)
Horn, Electric
Button and Cable, 5-67
Description, 2-54
Maintenance, 5-68
Horn Switch
(See Horn, Electric)
Hub Assemblies and Drums
Front (M915), 10-13
Front (M916 thru M920), 10-14
Rear, 10-15
Hydraulic Pump and Reservoir Assembly,
Power Assembly
Description, 2-76
Maintenance, 10-22