TM 5-2330-361-14&P
k. Put a new cam bushing bracket over the cams.
C h e c k steps c through g again to get the
Put on the slack adjuster and snap ring to fixture
undercarriage a s c l o s e a s p o s s i b l e t o a l i g n m e n t
the bracket. Weld the bracket in place.
prior to welding the axle in place. If difficulty is
e x p e r i e n c e d in step g, check the location of your
Bolt the power chamber in position on the
marks for accuracy.
power chamber bracket and connect the yoke to the
slack adjuster.
i. Tack the axle in position on the cast retainer.
Position the power chamber bracket on the
j. Assemble the foundation brakes onto the axle.