TM 5-2330-325-14&P
The WARNINGS and CAUTIONS appearing in your PMCS table should
always be observed. WARNINGS and CAUTIONS appear before applicable
procedures. These WARNINGS and CAUTIONS must be observed to prevent
serious injury to yourself and others or to prevent your equipment from
being damaged.
"Procedure" Column.
This column gives the procedure you must perform to check or
service the item listed in the Item to Check/Service column to know if the equipment is ready or
available for its intended mission or for operation. You must perform the procedure at the time
stated in the interval column.
"Not Fully Mission Capable if:" Column. Information in this column tells you what fault will
keep your equipment from being capable of performing its primary mission. If you make check
and service procedures that show faults listed in this column, the equipment is not mission-
capable. Follow standard operating procedures for maintaining the equipment or reporting
equipment failure.
Refer to Appendix I, Lubrication Instructions, for Lubrication Chart, key,
localized views, and procedural notes.
Recommended intervals are based on normal conditions of operation, temperature, and humidity.
When operating under extreme conditions, lubricants should always be changed more frequently.
When in doubt, notify your supervisor.
Keep all lubricants in a closed container and store in a clean, dry place away from extreme heat or
cold. Keep container covers clean and do not allow dust, dirt, or other foreign material to mix with
lubricants. Keep all lubrication equipment clean and ready for use.
Maintain a good record of all lubrication performed and report any problems noted during
lubrication. Refer to DA Pam 738-750 for maintenance forms and procedures to record and report
Keep all external parts of equipment not requiring lubrication free of lubricants. Before lubrication,
wipe lubrication fittings with a clean rag (item 15, Appendix F). After lubrication, wipe off excess oil
or grease to prevent accumulation of foreign matter.
Refer to FM 9-207 for lubrication instructions in cold weather.
Refer to AR 70-12 for use of standardized lubricants.