TM 5-2330-325-14&P
Rear loading of the trailer is possible if a loading dock or berm is available to use as a ramp to
gain access to the trailer rear.
Preparing Equipment for Loading.
Be sure that all shackles are on the equipment. Do not use bumpers, axles, towing pintles,
or towing hooks as points of attachment for chains.
Protect windshields of payload equipment.
Reduce payload equipment to lowest height configuration consistent with the operational
Secure any materials or equipment loaded in the beds of payload equipment.
When loaded, shut down payload equipment, turn off all switches, close doors and
hatches, and swing in mirrors.
Securing Equipment.
Use wood dunnage on gooseneck when a portion of the payload contacts the gooseneck.
Select a tiedown point on the trailer that allows the chain to be at a 45 angle fore and aft
and provides sufficient room for positioning a loadbinder.
Tighten chains using the loadbinders.
Secure excess chain to the tension-bearing part of the chain.
Set brakes and put transmissions in neutral on payload equipment.
Make sure rotating parts are properly secured.
Make sure all BII items are properly stowed on the trailer.
Check all tiedowns at halts and any time you suspect a problem.