TB 9-2320-279-13&P-4
When you use an NSN to requisition an item, the item you receive may have a different P/
N from the number listed.
DESCRIPTION (Column 6). This column includes the following information:
1. The Federal item name, and when required, a minimum description to identify the item.
2. P/Ns of bulk materials are referenced in this column in the line entry to be manufactured or fabricated.
3. Hardness Critical Item (HCI). A support item that provides the equipment with special protection from
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) damage during a nuclear attack.
4. The statement END OF FIGURE appears just below the last item description in Column 6 for a given figure
in both the repair parts list and special tools list work packages.
USABLE ON CODE (UOC) (Column 7). When applicable (see paragraph 1, Special Information, below).
UPA (Column 8). The UPA (units per assembly) column indicates the quantity of the item used in the breakout shown
on the illustration/figure, which is prepared for a functional group, subfunctional group, or an assembly. A "V"
appearing in this column instead of a quantity indicates that the quantity is variable and quantity may change from
application to application.
UOC. The (UOC) appears in Column 7. Usable on codes are shown as "UOC:..." in Column 7 (justified left) on the
first line under the applicable item/nomenclature. Uncoded items are applicable to all models. Identification of the
UOCs used in this RPSTL are:
Table 6. Usable On Codes.
Used On
M983A2LET Tractor
Fabrication Instructions. Bulk materials required to manufacture items are listed in the bulk material functional group
of this RPSTL. Part numbers for bulk material are also referenced in the Description Column of the line item entry
for the item to be manufactured/fabricated. Detailed fabrication instructions for items source coded as manufactured
or fabricated are found in TM 9-2320-315-14&P.
Associated Publications. The publication(s) listed below pertains to the Light Equipment Transporter:
Table 7. Associated Publications.
Short Title
TM 9-2320-279-Series
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks Man-
TM 9-2320-315-14&P
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks Inter-
active Electronic Technical Manual
1. When NSNs or P/Ns Are Not Known.