STEP/SEQUENCERESULTWHAT TO DO NEXTTM 9-2320-363-20-1Section 4TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTSE. FLASH CODE: 34J1587 CODE:P102 4 - TURBO BOOST PRESSURE CIRCUIT FAILED LOW (LOW VOLTAGE)NOTE- This chart is only to be used if:1)All basic mechanical checks and physical inspections have been performed with no problem found, and2)Diagnosis of DDEC-III was started at step Start-1, pg 3-345.41 and you have now been referred here.34-1Multiple Code CheckWere there any other activeNo other codes.Go to besides Code 102/4?Yes, any or all Go to ENG5V-1 (page 3-345.413).of the following codes:110/3 or 4, 175/3 or 4,174/3 or 4,102/3,100/3 or 4, 94/3 or 4,101/3 or 4 73/3 or 4.Yes - but noneGo to 34-2.of the above.34-2Sensor CheckTurn ignition off.Code 102/3 (andGo to 34-3.Disconnect TBS connector.any codes exceptInstall a jumper wire betweenexcept Code 102/4.sockets B and C of the TBSharness connector.Code 102/4 (andGo to 34-4.Turn ignition on.any other codes).Read active codes.If active Code 102/3 or 4 exists goto RESULT column.If no active Code 102/3 or 4 exists,start engine and run until eitherthe "Check Engine" light comeson or the engine has been runningwarm for at least one minute atgreater than 1000 RPM.Read active codes.33-4 Check TBS ConnectorsInspect terminals at the TBSTerminals andReplace TBS. Then go toconnectors (both the sensor andconnectors are okay.34-30.harness side) for damage; bent,corroded, and unseated pins orProblem found.Repair terminals/connectors.sockets.Then go to 34-30.Change 3 3-345.275
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