TM 9-2320-363-20-1
Single "Mode Light"
Flashing - System working to achieve new pressures associated with that mode light
Solid - Pressure achieved, system not active, wheel valves closed
2 "Mode Lights" on Solid
· System has shut off with tire pressure between two mode settings
· CTIS is still operational
Select any mode button to re-attempt pressure change
Frequent occurrences may indicate a need for service
4 "Mode Lights" Flashing
System shut off, waiting for operator instruction
Possible tire damage
· CTIS may be operated by selecting RUN FLAT if tire damage is minimal
· CTIS should not be operated if major tire damage is found
Tire should be repaired before continuing to operate vehicle
5 LIGHTS Flashing
System has shut off at least one channel due to fault detection of a CTI component
· System may periodically cycle PCU to determine if fault still exists
Get service at next opportunity
RUN FLAT Flashing (with a "Mode Light")
RUN FLAT is selected. Tire pressures are checked at more frequent intervals
If RUN FLAT is pushed to clear a "4 mode lights" flashing display, imbalance and
confirmation fault detection is overridden for the duration of RUN FLAT
May be turned off by depressing RUN FLAT again (or will '"time-out" after 10 minutes)
No "Mode Lights"
Lights Sequentially Flashing (One after another)
Inadequate vehicle power
System has re-loaded default configuration values
Electrical solenoid fault
Pressing HWY & RUN FLAT buttons together will
clear display
Any past changes of target pressures, etc. should
be updated
3-92.14 Change 3