TM 9-2320-363-10
2-14. START ENGINE (Con't).
When engine starts, release engine start button. If engine fails to
start, prime fuel system by pumping fuel/water separator valve (1) for one minute,
Press engine start button. If engine still fails to start, pump valve for 20 seconds.
Press engine start button. if engine still fails to start, notify Unit Maintenance.
DO NOT run engine above idle speed until oil pressure
gage indicates at least 12 psi (83 kPa) at idle speed.
i .
Monitor gages and indicators. If after ten seconds there is no indica-
tion of oil pressure and SHUT DOWN light, engine oil warning light, or CHK ENG light
remains on, shut down engine (paragraph 2-20) and perform troubleshooting (Chap-
ter 3, Section II).
Perform steps j through m if outside temperature is
at or below 32°F (0°C).
Vehicles not equipped with a manual ether quick-
start system are equipped with an automatic ether
injection system for cold weather starting.
Perform steps a through h.