TM 9-2320-363-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)for M915 Family of Vehicles (Con't).LocationItem ToItemIntervalCheck/No.Service53Weekly FifthWheel(AllExceptM917A1andM917A1w/MCS)ProcedureNot Fully MissionCapable If:Failure to keep fifth wheel plate lubricatedcould cause erratic steering due to bind-ing of plate between tractor and trailer.This could result in an accident, causinginjury to personnel.Coat fifth wheel plate (44) andsliding rails (46) liberally withgrease. Lubricate at all greasefittings (Appendix F).UNDERVEHI-CLE54Weekly SteeringCompo-Check front axle steering corn- Any steering compo-nentsponents for cracks, breaks, nent is cracked, bro-loose connections, or other ken, or loose,damage.2-72
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