2. Measure voltage at socket A of one fuseholder (red lead) to a good ground (black lead).
For 5-way ECM power harness, see Figure 46-3.
3. Repeat voltage measurement at other fuseholder.
[a] If the voltage measurement is greater than 11.5 volts on both readings, the battery +
line between the fuseholder and ECM has an open, or the ECM power connector has
a corroded connection. Repair the problem. Refer to section 46.3.8.
[b] If the voltage measurement is less than or equal to 11.5 volts on either reading, the
battery + line near the battery is open, or a corroded connection exists at battery +
terminal. Repair the problem. Refer to section 46.3.8.
Figure 46-3
5-Way ECM Power Harness
Ground Check at ECM
Perform the following steps to check the ground at the ECM.
1. Disconnect the 5-way power harness connectors at the ECM. For 5-way ECM power
harness, see Figure 46-3.
2. Measure voltage on socket A (red lead) to socket D (black lead) and socket C of 5-way
power harness connector (red lead) to socket E, (black lead).
[a] If voltage measurement is greater than 11.5 volts on either reading,
refer to section 46.3.6.
[b] If the voltage measurement is less than or equal to 11.5 volts on either reading, the
ground wire (#150) is open or has a corroded connection. Repair ground wire, and
refer to section 46.3.8.
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