TM 9-2320-283-10
d. Connect air hoses then enter cab and push in on the trailer air supply control
knob and set the trailer brake hand control. See MAKING SEMITRAILER CON-
NECTIONS which follows.
e. Release park brake control, shift to Reverse (R) and back up slowly until the fifth
wheel locks firmly to the kingpin. Shift range selector to First Gear (1) and pull
against the load with the trailer brake hand control set. This will apply pressure
against the kingpin and provide a test to insure a secure coupling.
f. Shift range selector to Neutral (N) and apply park brake control. Leave cab and
verify that the primary and secondary release controls on the fifth wheel are IN.
g. The kingpin must be in the locks. You should not be able to see daylight bet-
ween the upper fifth wheel plate of the semitrailer and the fifth wheel.
h. Be sure the kingpin is not hooked over the front of the fifth wheel.
i. Lift and secure the semitrailer landing gear and stow the crank handle in its holder
as shown.
a. Connect the appropriate electrical cable (12v for NORMAL Service Lamps and/or
24v for BLACKOUT Lamp operation).
b. Check operation of semitrailer lights.
c. Check operation of semitrailer brakes using the hand control in the cab.
d. Check all tires.
e. Make sure that the air supply is adequate before you start out.