TM 9-2320-273-20
5-7. BATTERY SYSTEM (Continued).
b. Test Indicator. The test indicator is a built-in hydrometer in one cell which provides
visual information for battery testing only. The test indicator will give correct indications
only when the battery is relatively level and the top is clean. Under normal conditions, the
indicator displays either green or dark to indicate readiness of battery for testing.
(1) Green dot visible. Any green appearance is interpreted as a green dot,
which means the battery is ready for testing. On rare occasions following prolonged
cranking, the green dot may still be visible. If this should occur, the battery needs
(2) Dark green (dot not visible). The battery needs to be charged prior to test-
ing. On rare occasions the test indicator may turn light yellow. In this case, the battery must
be replaced and the vehicle charging system should be checked out.
Do not charge, test, or jump start a battery when a light yellow color
appears in the test indicator as the battery may explode, squirt elec-
trolyte from the vent hole, and/or damage the charging system of this
c. The negative terminals of the battery combination (fig. 5-18) are connected to the ground
connector of the starting motor and from there to the engine, tractor frame, and cab (ground).
The 24-volt cable of the battery combination is connected to the starting solenoid relay. When
the relay contacts are closed, 24-volt power is routed to the starter motor. The 12-volt cable
is connected to the alternator and to two circuit breakers for 12-volt distribution.