TM 9-2320-273-20
A. REMOVAL (Continued).
2. Transfer tube (9).
a. Remove capscrew (1).
b. Remove tube (9).
3. Deaeration line (4) heater
Remove from front mani-
hose (2), air compressor
fold (10).
line (7), and hose (8).
4. Four capscrews (25)
Unscrew and remove
and washers (26).
thermostat housing (6).
5. Rear manifold (32),
a. Unscrew and remove
Examine O-rings and seal-
two O-rings (29), coupling
capscrews and washers.
(30), two sealing rings (28),
ing rings as you remove
b. Remove rear manifold
them. Leaks may sometimes
four capscrews (12),and
and coupling.
be repaired by replacing
washers (11).
c. Throw away sealing
broken or damaged rings.
rings and O-rings.
6. Cencer manifold (31),
a. Unscrew and remove
Examine O-rings and seal-
coupling (30), two O-rings
capscrews and washers.
(29), sealing rings (28),
ing rings as you remove
b. Remove center manifold
them. Leaks may sometimes
four capscrews (12),and
and coupling,
be repaired by replacing
washers (11).
c. Throw away O-rings
broken or damaged rings.
and sealing rings.
7. Front manifold (10),
a. Unscrew and remove
Examine sealing rings as
gasket (27), two sealing
capscrews and washers.
you remove them. Leaks
(18), four capscrews (12),
b. Remove front manifold.
may sometimes be repaired
and washers (11).
c. Throw away gasket and
by replacing broken or
sealing rings.
damaged rings.
8. Hose nipple (17) and
Unscrew and remove.
connector (16).
9. Two capscrews (13), two
Unscrew and remove.
capscrews (15), and four
washers (14).
10. Two capscrews (20) and
Unscrew and remove
Discard gasket (19)and (24).
capscrews (22).
water transfer connection
(18), gasket (19), bracket
(21), water inlet connection
(23), and gasket (24).