TM 5-2330-361-14&P
f. When non-NSN repair parts cannot be obtained locally for this equipment, requisitions can also be routed
by the DAAS. Requisitions must contain R.I.C. AKZ in columns 4-6 of the requisition format; these
r e q u i s i t i o n s will be forwarded by the DAAS to the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness Com-
mand, Warren, MI 48090. When the manufacturer's part number and the Federal Supply Code for the
Manufacturer (FSCM) exceed columns 8-22 of the requisition format (DD Form 1348-1), prepare an
A05-AOE requisition (DD Form 1348-6) and mail to: Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Materiel
R e a d i n e s s Command, ATTN: DRSTA-FDI, Warren, Mi 48090.
3 - 2 . Prescribed Load List (PLL)
The PLL distributed by TARCOM is an estimated 15 days supply recommended for initial stockage at
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l maintenance. Management of PLL items will be governed by the provisions of AR 710-2 and
local command procedures. Selection of PLL parts for shipment to CONUS/OCONUS units is based upon the
r e c e i v i n g command's recommendation after their review of the TARCOM prepared list. Organization's and
a c t i v i t i e s in CONUS/OCONUS will establish PLL stocks through normal requisitioning process.
3 - 3 . Authorized Stockage List (ASL)
T h e ASL distributed by TARCOM is an estimated 45 days supply of repair parts for support units and ac-
t i v i t i e s . The ASL parts will be shipped according to the recommendations of the receiving commands, after
they have reviewed the initial list distributed by TARCOM. Support units and activities in CONUS/OCONUS
will establish ASL stocks through normal requisitioning process.
3 - 4 . Project Codes (Columns 57-59)
T h e applicable project code will be entered in card columns 57-59 of requisitions for NSN parts, whether
CONUS or OCONUS customers. The code is also used by CONUS customers when requisitioning part
numbered parts. Supply customers OCONUS will use project code'`JZC" for part numbered parts.
Y o u are cautioned that these requisitioning instructions and supply procedures contained in this SMARPI
apply only to this equipment, the Flatbed Trailer, Hyster Model HP15T.
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